2011-12-14 19:53:16 字体:【大中小】 分享到
《QQ飞车》SSC2011亚洲总决赛即将开赛,国内选手首次对战国外竞速选手,未知的精彩令人无限期待。而在本场比赛中,来自新加坡和马来西亚的两位选手Ow Yang Jian Hao和Terry将代表车队“Vongola”参加北京亚洲总决赛,他们的技术如何?爱好又怎么样?一起来揭开国外选手的神秘面纱吧!
Yang Jian Hao
Ow Yang Jian Hao(以下简称Yang Jian Hao)来自于新加坡,同是SSC亚洲总决赛晋级选手的他,在“GKart”(《QQ飞车》新加坡版)中最爱的地图是“熔岩古墓”、“古堡森林”等,而最爱的赛车则是S车“暴风雪”。期待“敢于梦想”的Ow在亚洲总决赛中为我们带来精彩的表现!
而与Yang Jian Hao年龄相仿晋级选手是来自马来西亚的Syed Emyrul Ashraf bin Syed Othmawi(以下简称Terry),年仅16岁的他,拥有绝妙的连贯漂移操作,Terry最爱的地图是“港湾发卡”,而最喜欢的赛车是“大黄蜂”。他的参赛宣言是:I will win this tournament for iChissy!
2010年,《QQ飞车》推出新马菲版本【GO KART】,将飞车的竞速魅力推向亚洲舞台。“GOKart”一经推出,立即吸引了大量爱好竞速的玩家,神秘的新马非版本《QQ飞车》到底有什么迷人的魅力呢?而即将参加亚洲总决赛的国外选手,此时的心情和赛前准备又如何呢?一起来看看记者对这两位选手的采访吧!
Q1(英文).What do you think of “GOKart”, what is its most attraction?
Yang Jian Hao(英文):The thing that attracts me to GOKart is the fast pace gameplay that stands out among other games.
Yang Jian Hao(译中):GOKart吸引我的地方是,它的极速和漂移玩法,与其他游戏截然不同。
Terry(英文):I like GOKart because of the challanges of the maps.
Q2.Which kart in game do you love most, why?
Yang Jian Hao:SKart Blizzard. It sounds really cool and it’s really fast!
Yang Jian Hao:S车暴风雪。因为它的声音非常酷,并且它真的很快!
Terry:I love Bumble B the most but I prefer using Jazz while trainining because only Jazz is allowed in most of the tournament so I'll have to get the hang of it.
Q3.Which track in game do you love most, why?
Yang Jian Hao:Lava Tombs. The track has a lot of tricky corners and the surroundings around the track are really nice, especially when you are in the tunnel.
Yang Jian Hao:熔岩古墓。这条赛道有很多刁钻的弯角。还有它周围的装饰非常好看,尤其是当你在隧道上的时候。
Terry:I love Eleven City the most . Maybe because it can train our angle of drifting and train to drift smoothly as close to the wall as possible.
Q4.How about the players’ level in your country? Any other gamer can be compared with you?
Yang Jian Hao:I feel that everyone has the same potential to become good players as well, as long as they are willing to work hard.
Yang Jian Hao:我认为每个人都有一样的潜力成为厉害的玩家,只要他们愿意刻苦的锻炼。
Terry:There are several players that are higher level than me . I guess one of them will be Nexess. He has really good skills but he didn't join the same tournament as me so I count myself lucky
Q5.Do you know the level of the plays from other countries? What do you think of the level of Chinese players?
Yang Jian Hao:I saw many videos of china players on youtube and I think they are really on a different level, I give them my full respect. We still have much more to learn from other players.
Yang Jian Hao:我在Youtube上看过很多中国飞车玩家的视频。我认为他们真的比我厉害很多。我要对他们表示十分的敬意。我还需要从其他玩家身上学习很多东西。
Terry:I'm not too sure about their level as I usually watch their videos online . There's a Chinese player in Singapore called GSTWhite . Although he lost to Aimstv , he's really a fast learner
Q6.The tournament will be held in Beijing. What’s your impact on Beijing? If the full marks in 10, how much do you expect about the coming trip to Beijing?
Yang Jian Hao:I am really excited to go to Beijing! I’ll rate it 10
Yang Jian Hao:我非常高兴能去北京。我给10分!
Terry:Although I've never been there before , I really have a very good impression of Beijing and think that it's a really nice city . Therefore , I'll rate it 10
Q7. What does your family think of you playing GOKart? Do they support you?
Yang Jian Hao:Of course! Without family support it’s really hard to play and study at the same time.
Yang Jian Hao:当然支持,如果家里不支持的话,我很难同时安排时间游戏和学习。
Terry: I'd convinced them that I will not neglect my studies so they trust me and gave me their full support
Q8.Do your friends play GOKart? How about their level?
Yang Jian Hao:My friends play GOKart too! They went into wcg this year in a different team and achieved 4th place in the finals, I’m really happy for them!
Yang Jian Hao:我的朋友也玩GOKart。他们今年组成另外一个队伍去了WCG,并且在决赛中取得了第四名。我为他们感到高兴!
Terry: I introduced Gkart to my friends like tHeboy and Vergil . They participated some of the tournaments and is quite high in level now
Q9.What’s the place in games of GOKart in your country? Do you know the place of QQ Speed in China?
Yang Jian Hao:In Singapore, people do not know much about GOKart, I hope more people will come to know about the game soon. In china, QQ speed is really huge, I have played there for awhile and saw the number of rooms and players there!
Yang Jian Hao:在新加坡,人们对GOKart了解并不多,但我希望很快有更多的人来了解和参与这款游戏。据我所知,在中国,QQ飞车十分厉害,有非常多的玩家。我在QQ飞车玩过一段时间,观察到游戏里的房间数量和玩家数量实在太多了。
Terry: In Malaysia , not much people know this QQ speed as Malaysia is only promoting GOKart. But I do knew about QQ speed in China , QQ Speed is well known.